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Thursday, 3 January 2013

34 pak site hack By Afghan Cyber Army

Members of the  Afghan Cyber Army want their voice to be heard.There was no other way for them to make this,they thus defaced a number of Pakistani websites to share the message..It is written on these websites that
                                                        Hacked By Afghan Cyber Army

We are ~ Afghan haxor ~ Ahmad sahel ~ Root Afghan ~ Afghan Hex ~ Afg_Error404 ~ Dark night ~ Princess Haxor ~ Shams Haxor ~ Pakhtoon Haxor ~ M!As!f Haxor ~ V!rus Afghan ~ Afg_Malware ~ Afghan Destroyer ~ Afghan Terminitor

                                             Afghan Hex waz H3r3

#Message To Pakistan Government#

this is not payback to Any Haxor this is Payback to Fuckin Pakistan Government You ll kill us , you demolish us you ll stop us from going to school,you ll burn our school you ll destroy our schools ,you ll slaughter younger's but you can't defeat our attitude and our destiny we are young generation of Afghanistan you can't make us fool we are playing with technology we ll destroy you not by bomb,rocket,bullets by most powerful thing (PEN) 2014 we don't care about that years we ll move toward success,prosperity and you can't stop us by closing the border and teasing and torturing afghans family in landi kotal tore there passports killing of 8 innocent afghan children you can't stop us to enter in our own land Pakhtoonkhwah just in two days your fucked by us we stopped our attakes but you forced us to start over we ll demolish your cyber space and cyber setalite we ll down your every internet user....2014 is coming and we afghans are standing united to face every problem in Afghanistan you ll see that... we ll wipe I.S.I and Paki spy's from Afghanistan we proud on Afghan forces they are capable enough to wipe and destroy Taliban and Paki I.S.I terrorist from Afghan land

Gretz To:All Afghan Cyber Army Members , All Bg Grey Hat Hackers Members ~ All Indonesian cyber Fighter Members ~ All Gujrat Cyber Army Member ~ All India Shell'z Family Member~ All Indian Cyber Army Member ~ All Afghan Exploiters Team Members ~ And All Afghans
the websites are
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Item Reviewed: 34 pak site hack By Afghan Cyber Army Description: Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Ajay Devgan
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