Hi all today i am just going to discuss how you can secure your wifi network from hackers. you must have came across many tips on securing wifi network from various blogs and all but here we will discuss from a hackers point of view and all practical and genuine approach to securing Wi-Fi network so lets begin.
Tips On Securing Wi-Fi Network -
Be Sure To Use the strongest wireless encryption your modem or router provide Making your wireless modem with wpa or wpa2 encrypt do give a trust that your wifi netwok is safe. Typically our router or modem uses various methods of encryption to protect data sent over wifi network. Always use WAP or WPA2 to use secure your wifi network if your router/modem is not having those encryption then never select that brand router/modem. If your modem/router does not provide WPA or WPA2 encryption it is strongly recommended that a new device be purchased.So you must have heard about WEP (Wired Equivalency Privacy) it is quite older technique of securing which easy for hackers to crack with that I can never say you are completely secure.
key always ensure better security -
Again Its a simple tips which applies on all field for better security, As you know general rule, the longer and more complicated the password, the more difficult for hackers to crack it. I do recommend to use minimum an eight character password should be used to allow access to your wireless network. And remember don't forget to change your modem/router default password people do forget it many time which lead to compromise the wifi network. Never use the same password to control or access more than one system or program and never use your wireless network name as your password! Doing such stupid activity makes things too easy for anyone to hack your wifi easily. Its obvious thing that most of the time our modems are designed to use a default password such as “admin”, “password” or the manufacturer’s name. These settings are easily accessible to a user when the modem and network is being set up, however because they are easily accessible and often use weak passwords will unless changed, remain potentially accessible to anyone who wishes to gain access. There are many sites available on internet which give away default passwords for modems /routers (vendor specific as well). Changing your modem or router’s default password offers a simple but effective security measure against unauthorized remote access.
Hide your SSID (network name) -
I know the Wi-Fi network is still Hack-able when SSID Is hidden but it makes thing bit difficult for hackers to crack any Wi-Fi network which is invisible. Typically all Wi-Fi network broadcast its presence (beacon frames) when they are turned on so making the SSID hidden keep another layer of protection in securing Wi-Fi network because if the network is not broadcasting its name that make difficult for hackers to hack it.
Access to Remote modem administration -
These days most modern modems or routers can be remotely administered over the internet. If yours can, then someone besides you can potentially locate your modem’s IP (Internet Protocol) address and potentially hack your modem.A simple fix to this vulnerability is to disable remote administration for your modem or router. If you absolutely require remote access then you can try limiting access to a particular IP address or limited range of addresses, to reduce the chance of unauthorized users gaining access to your modem’s configuration settings. As a general rule for home networks, remote access is not necessary and possibly the safest thing is to disable remote access to your modem/router.
MAC address filtering for improve security -
Encryption including WPA2 and strong passwords are the best methods to control who accesses your network, however most modems and routers offer further methods to control your network. It is a better option to make your Wi-Fi network more secure is to use mac filter as you know mac address (unique hardware address of a system) so it ensure better protection .i know mac address can be spoofed but with all WPA2 and strong password ,mac filtering whole together ensure better security . All Most all modern modems offer the capability to restrict access to a wireless network to known devices (known MAC addresses). Trouble here is if you not setting mac filter properly then you man miss the Wi-Fi services (cannot connect to the network).
Enable modem/router firewall and security features -
Most modern modems and routers come standard with a built in firewall. A firewall can prevent unauthorized people accessing your network, can control which programs inside the network access the internet and should be enabled by default.Some hi-tech modems and routers also feature security programs known generally as intrusion detection systems (IDS). Such systems are capable of detecting attempts at unauthorized access to the system they are protecting and block many forms of attack. For additional security, all computers connected to your network should also have a software firewall system installed, or the manufacturer provided operating system firewall enabled.
Update your modem/router Firm-ware -
Some if your modem is outdated firm ware it may lead to some ready-made exploits using which any attacker can hack your network so it’s better to update firmware also the modem manufacturer provide this update firmware service for free (On modem’s website). Also keep one thing on mind unnecessary you should not make your wifi modem broad cast signal to long distance range (100m).its better to limit your modem/router signal upto 20-30 m. also always better to keep your modem at central position.So keep these things on mind while installing any wifi network and i am sure the hackers will definitely have to go through Hercules task.
This article is a Guest post by - Chandrakant Nial
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